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Five common eye colors.. Black is more confident, so what is the eye color of the deceitful character?

Five common eye colors.. Black is more confident, so what is the eye color of the deceitful character?

Some studies have linked eyeS color to an individual’s behavior

personalities than people with light eyes

Each color also has specific traits..

you can learn a lot about your personality traits from the color of your eyes In this report

brown eyes

brown eyes

The most common color OF approximately 79% of the world’s population

The person with brown eyes tends to be self-confident and assertive, and deals with disagreements with ease.

A person who listens to different points of view, and is kind..

black eyes

black eyes

The owner of the color of black more confident

A natural leader who is able to face various challenges..

making others hear his talk and follow him wherever he goes.

Hazel eyes

Hazel Eyes

People with hazel eyes are distinguished by their independence

It is hard for anyone to anticipate their reactions and not be able to read what the hazel eye is thinking

Hazel eyes HAVE a strong sense of humor that attracts those around him.

green eyes

green eyes

2% of the world’s population has green eyes

Creative PERSON, and some may see it as somewhat deceiving

The owner of green eyes has a gentle demeanor..

strength and care

The blue eyes

The blue eyes

Blue eyes seem to express a shy and soft personality, but the opposite is true

blue eyes have a strong character and are able to endure pain

They are also able to better manage his feelings and deal with negative emotions.

Now, do you see if your eyes agree with these traits..

Don’t worry, eye lenses are capable of making a difference

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